Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bump Pictures - 5 & 8 weeks!

Okay, I know that 5-8 weeks is REALLY early to start taking pictures of my pregnant belly but I'm so excited and I am already seeing subtle changes.  Been there, done that moms all say that it's only bloating at this stage but I don't care - I'm pregnant and I want to document everything :)

So without further ado, here are my 5 weeks and 8 weeks pregnant bump pictures...the 5 weeks one was taken by me in my bathroom and my dear hubby Art generously took the 8 week picture (and helped me with photoshopping the words on and everything).

The 5 weeks picture is kind of a "before" picture, although the 8 weeks picture was taken right after going to a delicious Indian restaurant for dinner so it's kind of a curry belly more than anything!  


  1. Umm can I just say that you are going to be the most adorable pg woman ever? I predict that you will have the cutest little basketball belly and be absolutely adorable through the whole thing! I love the belly pictures! Keep them coming!

  2. So glad you stopped by my blog and so thankful to find yours! CONGRATS on the news of your little blessing on the way! You are gorgeous and I hope you enjoy every second of your pregnancy! So excited to follow you on your journey.

    1. Thank you so much! It's great to "meet" you through ICLW :)
