Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Another Milestone: 35/35!

I can't believe it...time keeps marching on and I blink my eyes and I'm 35 weeks pregnant with only 35 days to go!  Or 35/35 as we like to abbreviate on The Bump :)  Annnd, I only have 18 work days left!  Wow!  My boss and the person who will be taking over for me while I'm gone are coming tomorrow - it's really getting real now.  Craziness!  Oh, and did I mention that there is also a carseat in my car?  Yep!  Things are totally getting real over here.  I can hardly believe it.

Here's my update (or bumpdate as some of my fellow bloggers call it):

How far along?: 35 weeks, 35 days to go!
How big is baby?: Baby is about 20 inches and continues her steady weight gain (she’s about 5.5 pounds). While she won't get much longer, she will continue to pack on the pounds — including large amounts of baby fat — right up 'til delivery day. Something else that's moving at a mind-boggling pace these day: fetal brain development! There’s a lot going on inside that tiny head, which is, by the way, still soft to allow an easier exit through the birth canal.
Any appointments or updates this week?: No doctors appointments this week, but we did have an appointment to view our maternity pictures!  They turned out amazing, I was in tears looking at them all.  I can't wait to share them once we get them from the photographer!  Tonight we have a breastfeeding class at the hospital and next week we start the child birth classes. 
Body changes?: Nothing really new, everyone is commenting on the bump though and how I don't have much time left!
Maternity clothes?:  Oh yeah.  I've been sticking to dresses mostly because pants are just too uncomfortable with my size plus the heat.
Best moment last week?:  Getting to view our maternity photos.  I didn't expect to get so emotional...everything just hit me that this is really happening (silly, I know!).  We are so blessed.
Food cravings?:  I've been majorly craving sweets like ice cream, chocolate and candy but I'm trying my best to avoid them from now until delivery day.  I find that I can do it if I stick to eating fruit so that I can still have some sweet tasting food and avoid ALL desserts.  The other day I had some bad stuff (flan and cake) and then it made the cravings get a lot worse. 
Symptoms?:  Still swelling, some back aches from sitting at my desk all day.
Exercise?: Walking and doing some stretches
What I miss?:  Totally vain moment here: getting to wear my cute summer clothes.  All my maternity stuff just makes me feel so frumpy!
What I'm looking forward to?: Getting to hold my baby in my arms, I just can't wait. - Yep, still this!


  1. OMG!! You are having a baby!!!! :) Well we've known for like 33 weeks that you were having a baby, but holy crap, a car seat?! Yep things just got real. I love it!! She will be here before you know it! And I will be stalking facebook and the blog for those maternity pictures!

    1. haha I know right? Nothing like a car seat to really make reality sink in! I can't wait for you to see the maternity pictures, they are so.good.

  2. Those cravings are the worst. I'm trying to stick to fruit, too but it's so hard sometimes. When I do give in to a "bad" craving I try to make up for it by going on a semi-long walk or doing some sort of activity. Oh well- pretty soon we won't have to worry about it!
    Can't wait to see your maternity pictures- I bet they are beautiful!
